Black Christmas (2019) - EPIC RANT! / Movie Review
The Phreeks review the second remake to the 1974 slasher film.
Countdown - RANT! / Movie Review
The Phreeks review the latest supernatural horror film that uses the gimmick of a phone app telling you when you kick the bucket.
Villains (2019) - Movie Review
Eddie goes solo talking about a comedy thriller film that went under the radar and features Pennywise from IT.
1917 - Movie Review
The Phreeks review Sam Mendes' epic portrait of World War I and its original use of using the one take film making technique.
The Lighthouse - Movie Review
The Phreeks review the black and white psychological horror film from the director of The Witch.
Uncut Gems - Movie Review
The Phreeks and special guest Dylan Scott review the Safdie Brothers' new film starring Adam Sandler in a dramatic role.
Star Wars: The Rise Of Skywalker - Spoiler Talk
The Phreeks go into more detail on the 9th and final installment of the main Star Wars saga.